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云南瑞博檢測技術股份有限公司(YUNNAN RIBO TESTING TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.)創(chuàng)立于2005年,是一家專業(yè)的第三方檢驗檢測機構,同時也是一家在“全國中小企業(yè)股份轉讓系統”(新三板)掛牌的公司(證券簡稱:瑞博檢測 證券代碼:832813)。公司專注于提供:建設工程及建材、生態(tài)環(huán)境監(jiān)測、公共場所衛(wèi)生技術服務及評價、食品及農產品檢驗等多領域的檢驗檢測技術服務及咨詢。同時也開展上述領域檢驗檢測技術的應用開發(fā)與推廣工作。






About RIBO

YUNNAN RIBO TESTING TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as The company) was established on 2005 as a professional third-party inspection and testing institution, and is a public company listed on the"NATIONAL EQUITIES EXCHANGE AND QUOTAIONS” at the same time (Stock short name: RTTC and Stock Code: 832813). The company focuses on providing inspection and testing technical services and consulting services in various fields, such as: Construction engineering and building materials, Ecological environment monitoring, Public place health technical services and evaluation, Food and agricultural product inspection. The application development and promotion of inspection and detection technologies in the above fields are also being simultaneously carried out.

The company has five management modules: Technical committee, Quality committee, Administrative management center, Financial management center and R & D center, which respectively undertake the company's technical management, quality management, administrative management and R & D (including intellectual property) management responsibilities to ensure the ability of the company to provide qualification and efficient products and services for the customer.

The company has a nearly 2000m2 laboratory center which being well-designed, functional division well-defined and fully equipped by large-scale analytical instruments and experimental equipments with worth more than tens of millions RMB. At present, the company has obtained 1,000 items of the capacity parameter for CMA (China Inspection Body andLaboratory Mandatory Approval).

The company devotes for the information construction of laboratory management to specially develop the "Ruibo Laboratory Information Management System", which provides a strong guarantee for improving work efficiency and ensuring process reliability.

The company concentrates on the customers’ need, fully understands and respects the various requirements of relevant parties, and has formulated a service concept of "the more you pay,the more you will gain".

With the full understanding of the laws and regulations on which it operates and other requirements it should comply, the company establishes, maintains and continuously improves the management of environmental factors that can be controlled or can exert influence, establishes an occupational health and safety system, and formulates the company vision of " Helping employees grow".


地址:昆明市五華區(qū)普吉路69號院內1棟、2棟 電話:0871-68396879
質量管理部:QM@rttc.com.cn 人力資源部:HR@rttc.com.cn
客戶服務部:CS@rttc.com.cn 行政管理部:AD@rttc.com.cn

Copyright ? 2005-2016,云南瑞博檢測技術股份有限公司 版權所有 未經許可 嚴禁復制     滇ICP備10004133號-1    技術支持:云創(chuàng)網絡